Edward looking cool

I took this photo at STC when we went to see Spiderman 2 I believe. That movie kicked ASS!
Update I forgot to mention 2 things that happened today. One was someone stole the person I was going to do my philosophy essay on. DAMN YOU BEN! I WANTED KARL MARX! I was going to bust out all my superman as a communist knowledge. Also at the end of the day Chris pretended he was hitler which was mad funny. He did the walk and the "HAIL HITLER!" thing. It was beautiful. Chris you are too much! Today was a pretty dull day. Got back my philosophy paragraph. I didn't do that well, 9/12. A 10 would have been much nicer, I need some good marks in that course. That first test raped me. Drama was pretty laid back nothing much there. Computer science was mad boring, totally drained me. It was just a worksheet and reading. Pissed me off, I hate doing stuff like that. By 5th period I was done, took short naps in class. It was pretty bad though, I think i drooled a bit which was pretty nasty. But not one seemed to notice so it was all good. Tomorrow I am going to see twelfth night. Hopefully that will be wicked. The last play I saw sucked balls. Stupid Phantom Limb!
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