Making a toy

I took this photo while Elaine was making a kinder surprise toy in the cafe. I must say I'm quite surprised at how these photos turned out. Considering the film cost $1 it isn't all that bad. Friday was quite dull. Nothing really happened until after school when we started doing some filming. Jimmy's bio video is slowly getting better and more crazy. After filming ryan drove me to pmall where we wandered around for a good hour or so looking for a cheap divx dvd player. I finally ended up getting a viewsonic and 2 dvds for 115. Sadly the dvds I received didn't have english subtitles which makes them useless too me. After getting the dvd player we headed back to my house, ate some food, and watched golden boy. Golden boy is by far the funniest anime you will ever see. I recommend it to anyone. Today was quite fun. Started off with Ryan and I going to Best buy to return his philips dvd player. After seeing mine, he wanted to get one with a zoom out feature. So after returning it we went to Oriental centre and walked around for awhile. He ended up getting some soke dvd player with a free dvd for 115. After getting the dvd player he dropped me off at simons and I got a look at his nikon. It has the craziest opening I have ever seen. After seeing what it could do we headed back to my house to take some photos for his physics contest. After taking the photos we walked around woodside for an hour and printed the ones we needed. I didn't develop all the photos, just the ones simon needed. When we got back to my house Edward and I watched Shark Tale, while Simon jimmy ryan nelson played some poker. Not sure who won the most, I know jimmy lost though. After shark tale, Raymond and Philip came over. We all started to watch Fist of fury, but everyone else found it boring so we switched to King Arthur. This movie wasn't much better, I would have preferred fist of fury. After king arthur everyone headed home.
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We all started to watch Fist of fury, then we fast foward it and then found the movie interesting, but SOMEONE had to turn it off! I thought King Arthur wasn't that bad, but then Jimmy and friends kept talking! Friends as in everyone I guess haha (including me). I think that the movie Philip had would have been better but we thought that the movie that was at Krishnas house was the same. Also Deng Yee Deng kept laughing and rewinding a scene from the Shark Tale. It wasn't that funny, it was basically the fish guy just doing a dance, but Deng for some reason found it really amusing. And thats the end of that. Also I changed the background and stuff for the blog today when I got home. I felt bored so I changed it. And thats my first post on this blog. All I have to say now is...... AND SCENE!
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