
I wasn't planning on posting this photo because I'm sure edward wouldn't have liked it. However I changed my mind once I found out edward hid the photo. After finding the photo today under a box I decided it would be as good a time as any to post this photo. I took this photo around on the day we were playing some game where you had to keep this piece of plastic in the air. I took quite a few photos that day, I have another great one of eddu blowing air. Very funny indeed. Today was quite dull at first. Stayed home for about half the day just watching tv and anime. At around 4:00 I left to go meet my cousins for dinner. It is quite boring bussing downtown. When I had reached bloor and yonge, I didn't know which subway went south, because there was already a train covering the sign. So I just guessed it was the right one and jumped on. Sadly it was the wrong one so I had to get off at the next stop and subway backwards. It wasn't all that bad though, the station looked quite cool. After getting to Eaton Centre I walked to the Henrys outlet to pick up a Macro Filter. When I asked the salesman about it he was like "Don't waste your money on a filter, get this" He pulled out some weird lens and said if I just take out the middle its an instant macro. So eventually he got it off and it was quite impressive. What was even more wicked was it cost $2. I had gone in expecting to pay around $50 but got away spending $2. After buying the filter I walked down Queen st looking for crispy roll. I walked all the way to much music just to see that I had missed the restaurant. The dinner was quite fun. My cousins are quite humorous. The food was okay, not super great. All in all a very great day!
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