Vanessa looking very bored

I only have one photo of vanessa where she is smiling, and I'm certain she would kill me if I posted it. Most photos I have of vanessa she has very serious look on her face. This photo she seems very bored. Usually during spare we played MJ and vanessa didn't like the game much so she would usually sit and watch.
Anyways for those who didn't notice yesterday I have changed my layout. My brother made this layout for his friend but gave it to me. Hopefully I can give it some colour, but for now I will leave it as is. Nothing much happened today. During spare Adrian came over and played some mario kart. We were suppose to play some tennis but it turns out I didn't have it. English we had a pretty intresting discussion. Physics was damn boring. Time to study for some data. Hopefully laidla won't rape us on his first quiz.
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