The Dream is Over

Well its time for a new post. I was always up for more comments, but seriously, 100 comments, BAH! Well my mouse had broke yesterday, so I couldn't make a post yesterday. Now I have a new ultra small wireless mouse. It is quite nice, a little small,, but I will get use to it. This photo was taken while people in some bio class were doing a lab. I liked the fact that everyone was wearing goggles. I thought to myself "I will never get a chance like this to take photos of people wearing goggles." So I took about 4 or 5 photos of people wearing goggles. Some of them came out quite nice. Anyways the last few days have been quite bad. I got owned on my data test yesterday, also simon andrew shawn and I did quite poorly in the Ecoo contest. We ranked 9th!!!!!!!! last. It was around the same place we scored last year. The problems got so much harder this year, it was unfair. One of the funny things that happened though was like 4 or 5 comptuers were hooked up into our power bar. So Mr. Marr was like, since we aren't goingt o solve any more problems might as well pack up and leave. He said we have to be like a stack, first in, first out. So when we were unplugging our stuff we unhooked like 5 computers, so 5 of them instantly shut down. Mr. Marr was like "Oh well, we were packing up, we aren't liable." It was mad funny. The team right next to us had their computer shut down, and probably a few more. It was a shame we didn't do better. What sucks even more is there aren't any more computer science contests left for the year. Those contests are always so fun, the problems are so difficult. It was funny seeing andrew pass out towards the end. Shawn had given up on one of his problems also. Me and Simon managed to finish only a single problem. A fun contest, but not enough to make up for that poor data test.
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