A great year indeed

Today marks my blogs one year anniversary. A lot has happened in this one year. Lost some close friends, made some new ones, but still a great year. After looking over a few of my older posts I noticed two things. One, the things we do haven't really changed. Two, I have really poor grammer.
So for this blog I thought it would be nice to post a lot of my favourite posts and photos. I will have a bunch of links at the bottom of this post.
After a full year the only thing that has really changed is friends. I haven't really lost contact with them, but its still not the same as it use to be. However at the same time I have met new people which is also very good. This last year was a very momentus year. Lots of ups and downs. Right now I feel it is somewhat down.
The only downfalls this year was when friends were fighting. A lot of the bickering has stopped which is good. However now new groups of people are fighting which sucks. There is too much hate going around. Lots of this hate is based on stupid reasons too. People need to realize that they only have about a month left of school and need to spend time with each other. After a month most people will be heading their seperate ways and people will eventually lose contact with certain people. This isn't the time to fighting. Its the time to be having fun.
Anyways here is a list of links to posts/photos I really like
Very first post
Scamming GST
The day I got my braces off!
Redford wearing a funny hat
Chris is pumpkin man
The day I started to photoblog!
A great photo of Cheryl
Lost Times
Vee looking at her burger
Best photo of Ryan
The day I got my Film camrea!
A whole lot of comments!
That is just a small assortment of Photos and posts I liked. I didn't really go through all my posts, just mainly read titles. What do you think the best post or photo posted was? I would really like to know which photo people think was the best.
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