I took this photo sometime in March. Adrian I think is studying data, or some weird course. I decided to post this photo beause Adrian hosted a great bbq today.
Yesterday was pretty much a day full of lost. After eddu caught up at my house, we went to his house and watched about 4 episodes and went to bed around 5:30 in the morning. It was pretty weird sleeping that late because I could see the sun coming up.
After we woke up around noon, we watched another two eps then everyone went home to get ready to go to adrians bbq.
When I got to adrians street I forgot the house number, so I had to call home and get his cell phone number, then call him back. It took quite some time. I expected some people to park on his driveway or something.
The bbq was very fun. We played a bunch of video games, talked, joked around, and ate. What sucked though was poker. I had the worst luck. I died out first. Got the worst hands in the world.
Overall a very good day. What sucks the most though is I have to cancel my summerlicious reservations. Everyone doesn't seem to want to spend so much on dinner.
Tomorrow I must finish lost and figure out some stuff to do over the summer. Perhaps start another series. 24 looks tempting.
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