Bubble Bobble

This is a photo of Joanna playing Bubble bobble on my psp. I took this photo while in her and Amy's suite. Joanna seems to love Bubble bobble. She kept making me write down all the passwords to go back to the stage she was last at. I wonder if she will kill me for posting another photo of her?
Another very dull day. My evil lecture was pretty interesting. We watched a very cool movie about the vietnam war and cold war. It was very surprising hearing what the presidents had to say about how to deal with the Cuba and the soviety union. It was very strange. Some people thought the Soviet unions were testing nuclear weapons behind the moon. I found that quite funny.
Computer science was boring as always. I learned a few new small pieces of information, but as a whole it was still very much review.
After comp sci I went to SLC (Student life centre) to get a salad. My new resolve is to eat a salad everyday. After I have comfortably incorporated vegetables in my diet I will work on a way to lower the amount of fatty foods I eat. This is going to be a very hard couple of week.
There was a dvd sale at the SLC, so I bought Seinfeld season 4. The dvds were super cheap, and all real. My seinfeld dvd was $40 flat. At futureshop it was being sold online for 50+tax. A lot of good dvds were on sale, I was going to buy flintstones but I realized I would never get around to buying the rest of the seasons so I just got Seinfeld.
Now I must finish my algebra homework. My math assignments are crazy. Algebra the questions are hard, and for calculus they mark like nazi's. I can't escape!
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