A dull dull day

Yesterday was a wicked day. We went to eddu's and played some mahjong and gamecube. MJ is wicked! After a bunch of games we all started to try and lift weights. Edward and ryan could handle the weights fairly easy. As for me and jimmy, we were struggling for a bit. Ryan and edward could do around 8+, me and jimmy were struggling at like 2. During the weight lifting cheryl kept making fun of edward and about how he use to be fat. Truly a funny day.
As for today, it has bee quite boring. Couldn't set anything up because people want to do homework. Couldn't get enough for mj so I'm stuck at home doing algeo. The photo above is a picture of my calculator. Its actually my brothers, but thats not important. I'm glad this upcoming week is full of short days. Will have tonnes of time to play mj!. As for now, I must try and understand chapter 5!
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