Courey waiting to present

If you look closely you may see a scary black man. If you do, his name is courey and he isn't scary. Courey is quite different then the stereotypical black man. One crazy thing is I hear chinese people beat him basketball. Anyways today wasn't too bad. Our philosophy presentation went by quite well (courey was in our group. Courey did struggle at one point. He didn't catch onto our improv and had quite a long pause before responding. I must thank andrew for making that excellent presentation. I feel so bad for not helping him out on it. Other then that the day was pretty hum drum. I tried teaching jimmy kingsley an edward pits. They caught on to some degree but people kept ruining the game. Stupid dano, kept throwing in a card that wasn't suppose to be in the game. Jimmy and edward also struggled because they would sometimes give away a wrong pair and edward would just grab random cards and stuff. It was still fun though. Kingsley won with 190 as a final score. Hopefully if we play tomorrow it will be more successful.
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