Vanessa Eyeing her Burger

I am almost certain Vanessa is going to beat me up at school tomorrow after seeing this photo but never the less i will still post it. I took this photo during our big barbecue over the summer. I really like this picture of vanessa because it looks so funny. She takes a bite out of her burger and has this look like "What the f*** did I just eat".
Today was a pretty good day. The greatest part of the day was when some random dude on the street complemented my fedora. I thought to myself, "WICKED!". The worst part of the day was that the play we saw sucked. Twelfth night was pretty boring. A few good scenes over all pretty bad. At one point like 6 people in our row were sleeping (me included) however we all woke up at the same point. What was worse then waking up was that none of us could fall back asleep. After intermission the clown or whatever was giving a synopsis of the play up to that point. Everyone kept going yeah, yeah, yeah. Out of nowhere nis goes "HWAWHAT!", just like lil john. It was perfectly executed. I couldn't stop laughing. After the play we walked towards Eaton centre. I checked out a few stores but couldn't find what I was looking for. I must keep looking.
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