Patrick Bag

I took this photo before going downtown with kyle, cheryl, jess and kyles girlfriend, whose name has slipped my mind. This patrick bag looked quite cool. Cheryl said she got it at wonderland which means it must have cost $50. However it is quite nice though. It was a shame she didn't wear it downtown
The trip downtown wasn't too bad. Kyle drove us there which was wicked. We talked about all sorts of random stuff. I was quite sad when I found out kyle didn't pimp his ride. I expected our president to have hydrolics, manual transmission, skirts, crazy rims and a bunch of other stuff. When we got downtown none of us knew where any of the hotels cheryl wanted to check out were. So we ended up driving around for a bit, missing all sorts of turns and stuff. Cheryl printed out some map of where she wanted to go. She highlighted the streets she wanted to check out. I thought she highlighted the general area we were suppose to go. So I would keep telling kyle to go here, here and here. We get there and find no hotels. Only by the end of the day did I figure out the err of my way. After walking around for a bit we decided to head to eaton centre and then we went off on our seperate ways. Cheryl Jess and I walked around and checked out a few stores. We went to blacks and Cheryl looked at her camera's, I was looking at some SLR's. I forgot to mention that while I was at Cheryls house her dad showed me his SLR camera. It was quite old but when you pick it up you know it can take some slick ass photo's. After buying some random things we got dinner. I got some chicken breast from Sbarro which I thought was quite good. Not great or anything, but good for the price. The guy serving it too me put too much tomato sacue though which sucked. I gave a piece to cheryl, but before eating the piece she decided to eat the little tiny piece on the side of her fork. After she ate that part, the piece she picked up fell on her tray. It may not seem too funny reading it, but it was funny seeing her go to all the effort of eating every last bit of the piece I gave her, just to drop it on her tray. After dinner we headed home. On the RT Jess jumped on the train closest too her and cheryl was about to run to the next cart. I quickly ran into jess's and kept the door open for cheryl. Then as cheryl tried to get in the door crushed her even more. The rest of the trip was smooth sailing. Jess had to go straight home, so I walked with cheryl towards her house. Nelson or someone called me and said they were going to pick me up, so I chilled at cheryls for a couple of mintues then got picked up and went home. At my house we didn't do much. People were trying to get eddu to sing, which he didn't though! Eventually we saw this crazy thai movie "Thai warrior Dunan" or something. The name isn't important, the movie was awesome though. The guy was doing all sorts of crazy shit. I thought a lot of it was wires and stuff, but my bro's friend said a lot of it was actually him doing the stuff which was CRAAAAAZZY. This man was doing cartwheels between glass, jumping on peoples heads, jumping over cars and barbed wire. Truly a wicked action movie
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