The last of fall colours

I took this photo on the way to school today. Fall is such a nice season. I always love all the dead leaves and colours. The dead leaves are cool because its so fun to just run through them and kick them about. Today was my first day back to school after a long string of abscenes. It started off okay, but then I got back my essay mark. Worst mark ever. C-! I'm not one to care much about marks, but this really kills it. Math wasn't much better either. Got back chapter 5 quiz, which I did quite poor on. For Ku I got 4+ surprisingly, but Application I got 0. Lunch wasn't anything special. Computer science wasn't anything special either. During spare, I went to cheryls house and saw her camera. I must say it was very impressive. It is tiny and very sexy. The LCD was also nice and big which was wicked. I took a few photo's then we walked to the bank. At the bank cheryl deposited her paycheque, and the 5$ she had in her pocket. I found that quite funny, so I gave cheryl 24 cents to deposit on top of it. She kept saying how 24 cents wasn't a lot. 20 years from now I'm going to get my 1$ and be "Told you 24 cents was a lot." After going to the bank, we had to walk back to cheryls so she could pick up her cellphone. Then we checked out some hotels. The first one was in the ugliest area I have ever seen. It was in the middle of like a plaza or something which was super gangster. And the other one was super close to school which made it uncool, however it was quite sexy. It was surprisingly nicer then a lot of the other places we saw downtown. We will have to wait till tomorrow to see where we decide to go. Now I have to prepare for my quicksort presentation
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