2 Collages for 3 birthdays

I made these collages for Jimmy and Simon since their birthdays are this month. Sadly I didn't have enough time to finish jonathans. Even jimmy's was made on friday. Well anyways we went to KBBQ for their birthdays. It was quite the meal. Simon seemed to enjoy his gifts. He especially liked the jitz gloves. They had the leaf symbol on them which made them super kickass. Right after simons gift, we gave jon his gift. I was on the table furthest from him so I wasn't sure of his reaction. From what I have been told one of the cd's has a hot girl on the cover so he must enjoy that. After a while we gave jimmy his gift. It took quite a bit of tricking to actually make jimmy believe he wasn't getting a gift. Jimmy enjoyed his gift, we got him Scryed (an anime). After we finished eating we headed back to my house and watched a bit of scryed, then jimmy's 2 movies, health and bio. During the bio movie Jo started watching mulan. While watching the movie I asked Joanna if I could slap her ass. She said yes surprisingly. I obviously didn't do anything, but edward put his hand over her ass and I hit it down. So instead of slapping her ass I attempted to rip off her sex bracelet. Joanna thought it was never going to come off so she just let me meddle around with it for a while. After about 5 minutes of digging into it I got it off. Now I own joanna.
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