Go To Formal

I took this photo of the liberty grand quite some time ago. Look at how beautiful the place is. Formal will be amazing. Everyone will be dressed up and partying. Also you will get to see a crazy slideshow I am making. Tickets stop selling this week, so get them soon. Now on to my regular rant of the last few days. I have been quite busy the last few days so this post may be quite long. Friday was quite fun. A lot of people had came over and we just sat around, talked, played a bunch of games. Eventually kings jimmy and left to go get some jerk chicken. It was all on kingsley. Sadly though we still have yet to get him a birthday present. Later on in the night cheryl also came by. We continued to play more games and then called it a night. Saturday was a very grand day. Kings had gone out and bought the video camera and tripod for our movie. But he didn't notice that he needs a firewire cable to upload the videos to his computer. So at first ryan jimmy kings went to best buy in search of a firewire cable. They saw it but didn't get it right away. After they got back the camera had finished charging so we started playing around with it. It is quite fun. The tripod was also very good. After we finished playing with the camera we played a new game. The point of this game is you have a card in front of your head and yuo don't know what card it is. Its your job to guess the card you have. If you have the right suit or number someone will say "1 right" or 2 wrong. Also you can see the cards of everyone else. This game is amazing. You see people like nelson and kingsley doing logical guesses, then you see people like edward guessing all over the place. The game may seem easy but you often forget what suit you got right. After this game died out we went back to pokemon cards. Pokemon is surprisingly fun. We played well into the night. Everyone had left around 4ish. It was quite funny, daniel said when he got home his dad was awake waiting for him. Raymond couldn't get a ride home so he stayed over. Before heading to bed we decided that we would get some dim sum the next day. Luckily raymond woke up early. After getting ready we tried toget people to go dim sum, however no one wanted to go. So it was just me and raymond. We were placed at the far side of Ruby. Barely no carts came by. However we still managed to get some really good food. I feel dim sum is wicked. A little expensive, but if you go with enough people it isn't too bad. Only big problem is how greasy it is. After our third dish I could already feel it pile up. One of the meats I had eaten had a clump of fat on it. I tried to power through and eat it, but luckily I wasn't able to. If I had succeeded I am almost certain it would have destroyed my heart. The best part of the meal is when we got our steamed rice roll with shrimp (not sure how you say it in chinese) and it was wicked. It is the single greatest dish on the menu. Even though it took an hour to get, it was well worth the wait. After getting home I studied the rest of the day away. This morning I had my physics test which I didn't do too bad on. After lunch I had english presentation which also went by reasonably well. Now I am free like a bird. Only problem is I have come down with some sort of fever or something. So I may be free, but feel super tired and sick. Why must I always get sick right before a break!
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