Lets watch a movie!

I took this photo during a scene the guys were filming for brandeds last movie. I think the clip they are watching is daniels 60 second clean up which wasn't put in the movie. It was a very funny scene though.
Its been a while since I have blogged, but I will try and keep this short. I decided to skip wednesday because I wanted to finish up my english preentation and also catch up on some lost sleep. Its always nice skipping a full day in the middle of the week. You feel so free. Anyways later that day I saw Star wars episode III opening night, first show at STC. The movie was quite good. Lucas managed to avoid screwing this movie up. A lot of it was some very nice fighting. A few corny lines here and there but that is expected. I recommend it for everyone. Even people who had given up on star wars.
The next day I was damn tired, so I skipped first second and third period. I had woken up at 12:00 so I had to quickly rush to school. Luckily I made it for period 4 where I talked to my group about our presentation for friday.
After school we started filming scenes for the next movie. I still am confused about exactly what is happening and how it will be done but kings and jimmy know what they are doing. And ryan still has his cameraman skills so there isn't much to worry about.
After some filming I went home and I broke up each section of our presentation into parts for Me, Felix and Ben to read. Ben was a little slow at giving me his part so I was too lazy to break it up. I decided instead to take a few of his lines and let him finish off by reading his last little chunk, which was about 2 pages. How wrong was I. We presented today and it didn't go by that well. At first it was pretty good but at one point I think I hadn't sent Ben the final version where I took some of his lines, so basically ben doesn't stop reading for about 3 full pages. It was pretty funny because after he finished one chunk he took a deep breath then said "Okay then...." then continued with the next section. But I don't care anymore. Its over and I'm happy. I'm also happy I am done with physics. That test was a true rape. All thats left for me to do now is finish up a few more bits of the slideshow, and set up the after party.
Anyways afterschool justin had come over to my house and we joined my brother while he was watching Rushmore. Rushmore is a very humurous movie. I reccomend that to people too. Some of the lines are just amazing.
After rushmore Justin and I played some GCN until he left. After he left ryan came by and we got some pizza pizza which was very good. We split a medium 5 topping pizza for about 10.90 which I found to be reasonably priced. The pizza was also very good.
After I had finished two slices we picked up eddu and got groceries. It was funny seeing eddu shop. He kept pulling out his flyer, looking for stuff on sale. The only thing left to get is more condiments. All I have is ketchup, mustard and relish I think. So whoever is reading this and is going to my bbq be sure to bring some condiments.
After all the shopping we headed back to my house and met up with jo and adrian who were waiting paitently for our return. The first thing I did was check who they were talking to on my MSN account. They were both having a very funny conversation with yvonne. I don't think I should go too far into detail but the conversation was very funny. After a short time adrian left and nelson showed up. We sat around and talked for a while playing random games.We then began watching some of the banting videos, like the pumpkin man, and panty raid 1,2, and 3! Those 2 videos are by far the greatest things the bantings have ever done. i have also heard great things about interviews by ken, but I have yet to see those. During all this andrew had shown up too.
After Jo left people finished watching the basketball game and then we started to watch team america. Now this movie sucked balls. Some scenes were funny, but for a whole it was pretty nasty, and also very rude. Lots of random swearing, stupid songs, and nasty scenes. We didn't even really see the ending. Nelson was watching this lego spiderman video on my computer which caught everyones attention from the last few minutes of the movie.
So remember. Watch star wars 3, rushmore. And DON'T watch team america. It was a very bad movie. Waste of my time!
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