More of Formal

I developed my first roll of film today. The pics came out reasonably nice. Most of the photos came out a little too pink for my liking but I managed to remove a bit of it in photoshop. I took this photo when everyone at shawns table had gotten up I think. I can't remember if he was posing, or talking to someone behind me but either way the photo looks reasonably nice.
Nothing really happened today. I split a pizza with kings for lunch which is always good. Afterwards I picked up a lot of photos from shoppers. For those who are interested, digital prints are 29 cents a print. I printed 39 digital pictures and 1 roll of film which came out to around $20.96 (The digital prints alone were $13). Hopefully I can develop more photos by thursday. Right now I used up all my money, and a bit of kings, to print the stuff from today.
Anyways english was a big waste of time as always. Turns out I have a Life of Pi Quiz wednesday which I will most likely fail. My english mark is already screwed. After english I talked to jess in the music room and saw some of the photos she took at formal. Eventually shawn came in and he started playing piano. After period 5 ending we started heading back to the lockers when they started to announce the Gr 12 valedictorian. After a bunch of useless compliments to all the people they announced that shawn won. After hearing this I started to cheer and accidently pushed him into a wall. Well done shawn
Well since I have so many photos to post I will post 2 today. The next couple days, will be formal photos because I know everyone is interested in seeing how the formal photos turned out. This is a photo of all the guys in their suits. Their are bigger group shots of people wearing their suits but I don't think they are that great. Most of them came out pretty grainy and slightly blurry. Only problem I had with this photo was ryans red eye. I was very sad when I saw it. I must find out how to remove red eye using my flash.
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