Chug Chug Chug

I took this photo of Amy when people went over to her and Jo's place to do a bit of drinking. Its always funny to see them drink. I think that day we tricked Joanna into thinking simon was super drunk. Very funny indeed.
My net was down for a day and a bit which is why this post is a little delayed. Nothing has happened this week. I am at day 5 of my daily salad routine. Its quite a challenge for two reasons. One, the salads aren't that great. Two, the salads are crazy expensive. We don't have any veggies in our suite so I can't really make a salad, so I have been just going to random places and buying salads. The coffee place in front of my suite has some pretty good salads, so I usually go there.
School has been pretty tiring. I had to do this lab for calculus and needed to use this mathematical software called Maple to do some graphing and some simple calculations. Only problem was the program was giving me some problems. I couldn't make a loop in it. After struggling for an hour trying to figure out the problem I gave up and did the loop in Java, and handed in the Maple assignment And my java code. Hopefully I will get some marks, or at least a comment saying what I did wrong.
After finishing my lab around 12:00ish I went over to Joannas and me, her and Nelson watched some lost. Even though I have seen those episodes so many times it is still great. After 2 episodes I went back home and went to sleep.
Today was a pretty good day. I got back my algeo midterm and assignment. I go 85% on both, which I guess is good, but still doesn't make up for my bad mark on my other assignments. Even after those two 85%'s I am probably still sitting at a 78-80, which is not that great considering I am majoring in math. Hopefully I did really well on my Calc midterm to bring my average up.
Finally the weekend. Its always nice to go back home. Hopefully something interesting will happen this weekend.
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