Jo and Cheryl at commencement

I took this photo of Cheryl and Jo during our graduation ceremony. It was quite a challenge to get Cheryl to go. I can't remember what actually convinced her, but it was good to see her there. Commencement was a great time, nice to see lots of friendly faces.
Work was dull as always. Lunch however was quite fun. Steph, Jas, and I (Steph and Jas are the two other coop students) continued playing 7-up which was a simple card game Steph had taught us. We played again today and it still hasn't lost its effect. We all had won at least one round which was nice. Steph won the first two rounds and was rubbing it in a little. After a few games of 7-up steph taught me some strange Russian game which was also very fun. I have no idea how to spell it so I will try and look for it another day.
Work is getting pretty fun because everyone is pretty laid back. Towards the end of the day I was just reading The watchmen and looking up slope fields and they didn't even care. My boss was even asking me questions about the crap I was looking at.
The watchmen is quite an interesting comic, I am glad kings lent it to me. I understand, to a small degree, what is going on however I am certain there are tons of small things I have probably missed. I still have a good 2/3's of the book to read though. After I finish that I shall move onto spiderman.
Now its time for 2 episodes of desperate housewives. Its not that bad of a show, but still no lost. L O S T!
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