A post to end all posts

First I will cover december. My memory is quite vague but december was quite a relaxing month. Even though everyone had exams, I only had to worry about 3 math exams, which were spaced out quite well. People like simon, shawn, nelson, jo and amy were dying. Nelson especially with his 9 exams, 6 of which were bio. Its reasons like that which is why nelson is hero. Anyways it was a great month. Classes were finishing up, we had even more free time then usual. I walked to mcdonalds a fair bit which was a very relaxing walk. In waterloo mcdonalds is like a top quality drug. Its so hard to come by.
I remember the first time I went to mcdonalds to get the breakfast, everyone had given me money so I would bring them back something. That one day we spent like $60 on mcdonald breakfast. For those who are unfamiliar, mcdonald breakfast is usually quite cheap (at least thats what I think). When I brought it back people were shedding tears, it was something they hadn't seen in so long. It was the greatest breakfast we ever had, maybe second to the time shawn made a shit load of bacon for everyone
Mid way through december my exams started coming up so I started to do a bit of studying. First up was computer science. I was quite confident in myself throughout the course. Most of it was a joke. The assignments were fairly simple and didn't require any strenuous thought. I expected the exam to be very similar. I had a very relaxed studying approach and after a short period of studying I just stopped and continued playing an rpg on my psp. I must say out of the 3 exams I had computer science raped me. That exam was a beast. I was reading some of the questions and just said to myself "WTF!". Luckily though for some strange reason, that course had the most broken bell curve ever. I was probably sitting at a low 90 entering the exam, after the exam I got an 88. I was quite happy.
Algebra was next. Algeo was by far the most interesting math course I have taken so far. In highschool calculus was a lot of fun, but Classical Algebra was amazing. It was very simple, not too crazy, but still fun to learn. For this exam I did some intense studying with these 3 people I had met in Nelsons building, Andrew, Ian, and David. Andrew and Ian were identical twins, but you can tell them apart with some ease. Anyways the four of us did a lot of our studying in the math tutorial room. We got quite a lot done in there, I know I did more studying there then I did at my room in the last 4 months. By the time the algebra exam came by I was well prepared and that exam was damn easy. Or so i thought. After the exam I quickly learned I had made a fair amount of careless mistakes. Needless to say those cost me quite a lot. I ended up with 77 in algeo and was a little sad.
Last exam was calculus. Calc was like 3 days after algeo. So the first day was spent relaxing. Second day was spent studying. Third day was spent relaxing. We can all guess the outcome of my calc exam....rape! One question was some integration problem where I think they wanted the area between two curves. but when I graphed the functions the curves didn't even intersect. I was about to write, "The area is 0 because the curves don't intersect" but then I looked at how much the question was worth, 14 MARKS!!!! (like 1/6 the exam maybe). I cried a little after finishing that exam.
After all the exams were over we had our secret santa gift exchange. This was one of the highlights of december. We had picked out who had who a few months ago. A lot of people already knew who had who though. Joanna already knew I had her because adrian struggled. Amy and jo knew who each other had. Everyone knew Simon had amy.
So when we finally did the actual exchange, just to throw off amy and jo, me and simon switched gifts. I handed simons gift to amy, and simon handed my gift to jo. I baited jo out good, I was about to put it in her hands then snatched it away then gave it to amy. Amy had gotten me a sexy picture frame, and a very nice looking cooking book.
After all the gift giving was done Everyone had a few drinks. I had bought jo some Rum, and amy some bacardi breezers. Jo was out after like half a cup of rum. Amy couldn't stop calling her a lightweight. X'mas wasn't anything special. I can't really remember what I got. Cheryl had bought me a bunch of classic mickey mouse things which was awesome. Nothing can beat classic mickey.
Jump forward to new years. New years we celebrated december birthdays. So we went to a sushi buffet. It was okay, nothing special though. Afterwards we came back to my house and talked, played games, played poker, and basically relaxed well into the night. Some people left at 4, people like philip who left there key at home, left at like 9 am the next day. It was awesome. Nothing very interesting happened, just a fun day.
Now we are in january. I started working at a company called Noranda Falconbridge Ltd. Its okay, just really really boring. The work I do is just tedious at times. A brief overview of what I do is take calls, help people with stupid problems like "Where is my folder!?" or "Why won't my computer turn on!". Other then that I install software. But I spend most of my time on msn talking to random people which is wicked. Its very laid back environment. The people I work with are very cool and nice people. Very helpful. Its also nice because there are two other coop students. Its good that I have people to talk to during lunch and stuff.
The next big thing for january were the birthdays. Simon's birthday was a joyous day indeed for many. That weekend he bought a bottle of tequila and everyone was at my place took a shot (excluding me, dano and ryan). It was very funny seeing people drink. People like kevin were like "WTF is going on?!" It was a great day indeed. I wonder if they will do it again.
The next big thing was the birthday dinner at Swiss chalet. We got simon a set of speakers. We got jonathan some guitar stuff. A pedal, guitar stand, and book. Jimmy we got some manga and a cool looking watch. The dinner was better then expected. It wasn't anything too special, but I liked the salad.
Now this post comes to an end. I did enjoy writing this, so perhaps you will see more short blogs in the near future. I am still very conflicted as to continue blogging or not. We will see how things go. All I have to say is...LOST! (I am sorry about all the grammar mistakes)
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