Mickey Mouse!

I got this Mickey from Cheryl for Christmas. It is by far one of the coolest plushes I have ever got. The only other plush that is better then this Mickey is my pooh bear, because he has a heart.
Friday is a big blur to me so I will simply skip it for now. I think we go dinner, but that's about it. Saturday was a pretty interesting day. It started off with a trip to pmall with Simon Chris and Cheryl. It was pretty fun, I got some hello pandas and walked around looking at anime DVD's. Cheryl picked up a t-shirt, and Simon and Chris didn't really get anything. After sitting around for a few hours we went out and got dinner, then headed to adrians house.
At adrians we just watched the skill contest and dunk contest. I was watching/playing tales of eternia during the contest. The only good contest I liked was the dunk contest. Some of the dunks were quite cool. I won't bother going into them, but my favourite dunk would probably be when Robinson jumped over spud Webb. That was quite an intense dunk.
After the dunk contest I watched some desperate housewives then sat and played some more tales.
Sunday was much more relaxed. Around 6ish ryan picked me and jimmy up after going to the gym to watch a crappy korean movie at his place. Jimmy was out like a brick in 20 minutes. Ryan and I managed to last pretty much the full movie. Needless to say the movie was terrible. After the movie we went to dinner then went to my place and watched god of cookery. God of cookery is excellent. It was still good the second time. So many classic moments. I still hate the fact that Stephen chow refuses to cast a hot looking girl as the main character in his movies. His female leads are always hideous, it boggles my mind. Sometimes they get progressively better looking as the movie moves forward, but still not that great.
Today was a dull dull day at work. I read my manga and talked on msn for most of the day. Luckily elaine was online so the last 3 or 4 hours of work seemed to go by pretty quickly.
Once work ended I met up with Cheryl and jo and walked around eaton centre with them for about 20 minutes before heading home. I stopped by cheryls place to help fix her wireless router. It was quite a strange router, didn't have the normal settings like mine. Regardless I got it working then went home. Now I must watch some anime before heading to bed.
On a side note, the suicide video is at playcount 195, and steroids is at 115
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