Shawn relaxing

I think this photo was taken while we were in waterloo. Shawn was just lying down on the couch in the common room. I still need to find the prints of this roll of film. This roll had a lot of great black and white photos.
This weekend was quite a packed weekend. Luckily I managed to wake up at 5:30 and made my way to work at around 6:30. I was the first person in the office that day (well my cubicle area) and I was pretty busy the whole day. After the little msn incident there always seems to be something for me to do in that building now. Even though I was busy it was damn boring. After work I got to the coach bus station and awaited for a long trip to Kingston. The bus ride was damn long and very boring. Luckily I had my PSP so I played some lumines which killed a lot of time.
When I finally made it to Kingston I took a cab to Cheryls residence and I was quite impressed with how nice a lot of the buildings looked. When I finally saw Cheryl we went to her room and I dropped my stuff off. The outside of her building was very nice, the inside wasn't as great. Her room was CRAZY small. I was shocked that Lisa and Cheryl have to live in that space. The living room for my suite in waterloo was bigger then their room. After we sat around in cheryls place for a while we went over to her boyfriends res then went and got some food at McDonald's. The walk to McDonald's was pretty far but we saw a bunch of stuff which was fun. On our way back we stopped off at an arcade and played a bunch of cool games. The arcade isn't anything special mind you but it was still pretty fun. Cheryl and Dominic were playing this basketball shooting game for a while. Cheryl was struggling quite a bit. I didn't bother trying because that way I could continue to make fun of Cheryl. As soon as we finished at the arcade we went back to dominic's place and played fluxx and 7-up for quite a long time then finally headed to bed.
Saturday we woke up a little before noon and walked around the town for a bit. We went to this Indian restaurant and I had some pretty funky tasting butter chicken. Instead of using tomatoes and what not they used coconut so it tasted a little too sweet. After lunch we walked all over town, no particular direction or anything. I didn't see any shops that were very impressive but it was a nice walk. I took a few photos while at the lake then we continued walking till around 6 which is when we got some pho. Cheryl seems to believe this pho place is the greatest pho she ever had. I couldn't really prove or disprove her because I don't eat pho, but I highly doubt the greatest pho place resides in Kingston.
After dinner we went back to dominics place and talked, played more cards, and I told many stories about all the crazy things my friends have done. It was pretty funny. Later on he showed us this video about these crazy engineers trying out to be Freks (Not sure what it means) but freks are in charge of frosh engineering events and what not. The engineers at queens are CRAZY. The video of people trying out to be freks was just hilarious, these people had no shame. If I manage to get the video from him I will see if I can host it somewhere. After watching the freks video we talked for a little while more then headed to bed.
Today we woke up pretty late then just got some brunch. Queens is pretty cool because when you go to eat its buffet style. Shawn would have been in heaven because they had bacon, and its all you can eat. I had some bacon, eggs, and pancakes. It was a pretty good meal, I should have got more bacon though.
After brunch we went back to dominics place and played more cards until a fire alarm which made us have to leave and go sit around in cheryls res common room. When we finally got back into dom's res we played cards again then I headed for the coach bus terminal and had a long bus ride home.
Kingston was quite fun but I doubt I will go again though. Next on my list is Waterloo and Western. Not sure when I will be going there though. I will have to find out when people are free and not coming down. Now I await dinner and a goods night sleep.
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