Cheryl and Salina

I took this photo again during commencement. Hopefully I will try to keep this photos as recent as possible. I think this is one of the few photos I have of salina. Kevin seems to think she has a pornstar voice. I am not too familiar with what a porn star voice sounds like, but I would have to say her voice is somewhat raspy, which is cool. I missed the day however when nelson told salina what kevin thought of her voice while kevin was in the room. Nelson is a rat, a cold hearted rat!
Today was a pretty normal day. I went in late again, its been 3 days in a row which is not good. They haven't mentioned anything so I won't worry so much. Nothing really happened today, I spent most of the day reading buddha vol 6 which was awesome. Buddha is a manga by Osamu Tezuka, he is the guy who made Astro boy. If you don't know what astro boy is I am simply shocked! Anyways this comic simply talks about buddha and his life. Tezuka follows the stories about buddha quite well but also incorporates various characters and humour wherever he can. The manga is a very well written and well drawn.
Lunch was awesome. Since I had my metropass I decided to bus down to dundas and get some popeyes. I can't wait to start going to all sorts of crazy cheap restaurants and events. This shall be a very exciting month.
After work I met up with Ryan, dano, jimmy, redford, philip, and adrian. They were at an arcade infront of eaton centre playing random games. When I got there I took adrian and ryan to a comic book store and we were looking at random comics for a good hour. I was looking at some other comics by Alan moore but couldn't find what I wanted. I was hoping to get From hell, but they only had a single issue of it. It was pretty cheap so I got it anyways. I also bought the card game flux so I will most likely be playing that a fair bit now. Ryan got 2 spiderman comics and an xmen comic, and adrian got some venom vs carnage comic.
After getting the comics we more or less headed home and got food at pizza hut. Dinner wasn't anything too special. After dinner though we came back to my place and played some fluxx. I think the guys who played seem to like it. Now I must return downstairs. I will try to update after everyone leaves.
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