Kings Justin Nelly

Once again another photo from commencement. I'm pretty sure nelly just snuck into the photo because he likes to ruin perfectly good photos.
Today was a great day. I finished Spiderman volume 4 and was shocked at how intense it was. Spiderman is a wicked series, its crazy to see the stories these people come up with. I can't wait for ryan to get the next volume so I can borrow it and read it.
After work (I was reading spiderman during work today) I headed out to eaton centre and walked around yonge street looking for a game store. The store is really small and I ended up missing it which sucked. After failing at finding the store I bought a biscuit then headed to my cousins place to play some board games and eat dinner.
At my cousins we played fluxx, which I probably mentioned a few days earlier, and a new game called Settlers of Katan. Settlers is an excellent game. The game was a little hard at first, but I slowly caught on. The game was really fun because it involves lots of trading and stuff, so if you don't trade you screw yourself over. The game is very fun, I can't wait to try playing it again. In the end my cousin won and then we played a few more games of fluxx then headed home.
Now a real challenge will be to get a post up before midnight tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to continue this trend of a post everyday.
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