Entrance to Liberty Grand

I took this photo while Cheryl, Kyle and I checked out the Liberty Grand. I must say this place is very nice. The room where our formal may be is very very nice. It has two levels! The upper level is reasonably big, but the main level is quite big. 300 people would comfortably sit in there. What is cooler about the place is its courtyard. There is this courtyard right outside the room which looks really nice. Its nice and open, has some benches, its very nice. Overall the place was very beautiful, and also there is a lake, I think its a lake, right in front. So it would be a nice place to take a walk beforehand or afterwards. Now on to my day. Philosophy was wicked, we played this game metaphysical survior. Its similar to survivor, but with a metaphysical touch. We were broken off into groups and were forced to play a variety of games. The first round we won, and we won it quite easily. Second round was balancing water on your head. We nominated courey to do this. He was crazy, he was in the zone. If you saw him he had become 1 with the water. Jack almost made it but died out, and Nicole was crazy also, she made it seem like it wasn't even hard. After the water game, our next challenge was to spot the differences in the cartoon. We did quite bad in this game but still managed to avoid people getting kicked off. However afters, Jack and some other girl had the option of kicking someone who aws still in the game, out. So they kicked out courey and nelson. Now the team was just me and Andrew. The next event was just individual questions. Mine was "What is ontology". Even with my lifeline I got it wrong which was quite sad. Andrew got his question right and lasted till the last round. The last round was a short answer question. Siamak and Andrew won the last round. Math nothing happened. Computer science the group presenting had so many problems that Edward and I didn't have to present. That is pretty good, because it gives me more time to figure out what to say. After computer science I went to Liberty grand and that was about it for the day.
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