Vanessa taking photos

.I took this photo of Vanessa today at lunch. Nelson Derek Vanessa and I were sitting around in the cafe. I snapped a few photos with my ricoh then snapped this one when Vanessa was holding my camera. It was quite sad though, during lunch we started arm wrestling each other. Nelson throughly trashed me twice. Then I went up against Vanessa who also ALMOST beat me. We had to end it in a draw. Then I went up against nelson who beat me quite humorously. He started pulling his hand backwards then quickly throwing it forward as to through me off. He did that like 5 times in a row and beat me. It looked as if he was switching gears in a car. Today was pretty laid back. There were a lot of random fire drills in the morning but not that bad. Algeo was boring as usual, and comp sci practical was quite easy. In spare we played some MJ and it was wicked. Afterschool I was helping edward jimmy karson film there health project. These people made the funniest presentation I have ever seen. Only problem was it is too funny. They can't get thru any of their lines. We finished 1 scene and thats it. All they did was laugh. After we stopped filming I went to the cafe and talked to a bunch of random people. Jess tried to scare me with some random ghost story but it was quite bad. I headed home after people went to play band
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