
I took this photo yesterday I think. Once again this photo is from my Ricoh and I think its nice. After developing yet another roll of film I can see the photos are getting better so hopefully after one more roll I can start taking reasonably nice shots consistently. More photos from this batch came up clearer then my last. As for my day it was quite dull. I got my midterm report and was quite surprised. I knew my algeo and philosophy marks already but comp sci I was expecting low 70s. Turns out I am getting an 83. Its still not that great considering I really like comp sci, but it is something I can easily pull up. The rest of the day was pretty laid back nothing really happened. I finally installed photoshop on a few of those crud computers on E22. Now my computer club can finally start moving forward. After school Chris and ken had the first movie review club meeting. I must say the people in there were just sitting around not doing anything. Most people didn't suggest movies, most people didn't even vote. Quite a shame really. Next week we watch Elf, so join movie review club!
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