A Beautiful Courtyard

Update: I forgot to mention that Nelson and I took part in the spirit event today. It was an obstacle course which I must say me and nelson tore up. It was pretty fun. The first part was just jumping, then skipping. After this you had to rip off the crust of a piece of bread without using your hands. So basically Nelson bit one end and I had to bite the other. Its like they wanted people to kiss each other, me and nelson weren't too close to kissing but some of the other people were very close to kissing. After this point you had to pop some balloons by sitting on them. At first I thought I could just sit on them normally and pop them, how wrong was I. It took me like 5 seconds to pop a balloon. It was so funny, I put the balloon on the chair, sit down and bounce back up. After the balloon part I had to put a blindfold on and spin around 10 times then nelson guides me through some pylons. After this we had to spell cocnuty. It was funny at the end because after nelson finished spelling it he kind of roared or something which was so funny. By the end of lunch Nelson and I had the fastest time so we won a gift certificate to Famous!
I took this photo while at the Liberty grand with Cheryl and Kyle. This photo is a stitch of 3 photos so thats why its pretty long. I must say I really did like this courtyard. Its very open and has a nice look to it. Next time I go I plan to take a much bigger stitch of it.
My day wasn't too bad. Got back my philosophy mark and I must say I was quite displeased. I saw it coming but still didn't make it better. I'm currently getting a 76.1. I can pull that up but its going to be hard. As for algeo I am doing quite well considering I have no idea what is going on most of the time. Getting an 86 in algeo. In computer science Edward and I presented the shell sort for bonus marks. I feel we didn't do that great a job, but Ms. Crabtree said we did very well, so hopefully this will bring me poor comp sci mark up. After computer science Jimmy and I went to andrews to play some fooseball or jitz, don't know what you people may call it. It was pretty fun. Andrew was owning up me and Jimmy, then Jimmy owned me up. After our game we went back to school. Jimmy had dodgeball and I had school reach. Once again I proved to be quite useless too my team, except this time we still won. When I got home my uncle had installed a bunch of shelves in my closet. So now I have so much more space to put stuff in. While moving stuff into my closet I found my wallet! It was under a spindle of cds on my bookshelf.
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