Simon flashing Raymonds money

This photo was taken a long time ago. My computer tells me it was taken October 12, 2003 at 10:47 A.M at shawns place. We were playing pool. I can't remember who else was there, but one thing is certain. I did very poorly, and shawn did very well. Now on to my day. It was pretty dull, nothing really happened. The school was having some presentation where all these other possible jobs students could go into were being displayed in the forum. What was cool about this was some dude who was dressed in silver, and looked like Elvis Presly (mind spelling). He was dancing like a robot though, and he was crazy. He was super stiff, all his movements were rigid, and at the same time liquid smooth. He was really cool, I took a photo of him, and cheryl took a video of him. Cheryl seemed to think he was the coolest thing she had ever seen. After all the photos and stuff I saluted him and he saluted back. Then I gave him props which he returned which was even cooler. Other then that the day was a big bore. School reach was fun, as usual. Hopefully next time I will be of more use though.
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