Elaine walking to Philips

I took this photo last year, sometime in august. I don't know why I like this photo, but there is something about it. Maybe its because you can't see the rage in her eyes of me taking a photo of her. Regardless its a nice photo.
Today started off pretty bad. When I got my philosophy debate mark back I had gotten 8/12 (2/3)!! Courey was mad depressed. After talking to him once we didn't get much done, but then we tried again and he gave us 2 extra marks. Mr. Buck is a really laid back guy, very reasonable and fair. A little hard at marking sometimes, especially when it comes to level 4's. He is a wicked teacher though, to give us those 2 extra marks which will save our midterm. Math was nothing new, At lunch though I had to install photoshop on the computers in E22. I must say those computers suck! The first 5 or 6 computers I tried had viruses, the next computer couldn't create some 16bit file and then crashed. Biggest waste of my whole lunch. What sucks even more was while I was trying to install photoshop, Redford was in the hallways breaking a coconut! I was so disappointed that I missed it. Nothing much happened for the rest of the day. Computer club had to be cancelled again because Mr. Lopes couldn't stay after school. As for Formal I plan to sign up for advertising and slideshow! So I hope everyone who reads my blog to go to formal, and send me nice photos to use for a slideshow!
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