Felix with his hand taped up

Update: I forgot to mention a something ryan said yesterday. For some reason we were talking about ghosts or something and ryan mentions how his dad hates scary movies. Then goes on to mention how his dad is afraid of ghosts. The reason his dad gave was the best though "I'll fight a tiger, lion any day. But a ghost isn't tangible". It was funny because he used the word tangible, but I must say that makes complete sense.
I took this photo last year during IAPS. For those who took the course you may remember this day. We were put into groups and we each had our own unique trait. Some people had claws, other people had hands, some had no thumbs. Our trait was we had no fingers or something, so we had to tape up our hands. Felix being felix, wanted to waste tape, and kill time, so he taped up his hand for a good 20 minutes. It was quite funny, I think he left it like that for a good chunk of the day.
Yesterday started off pretty boring. In the morning Joanna came by and dropped off some chicken wings, which I must say kicked ass! Afterwards when she came back we sat around thinking of stuff to do. We were suppose to go to STC but that never really fazed out. So after sitting around for maybe 3 hours, Ryan calls me up and asks me if we want to go to dinner. I said sure then called some other guys up. Ryan had to go buy some dvds so only after another 3 hours did we actually leave. We went to First Markham and ate at this place called Peaktop. It was pretty funny. While we were ordering Ryan was looking at the menu of another restaurant. Luckily Edward or someone pointed out the error of his way. The food was quite nice, but not nearly enough for the price we paid. Towards the end of dinner everyone was grabbing every last bit of food on the plate. While the person was picking up the finished dishes, Edward quickly jumps in and gets the last two beans or something on a plate. This was hilarious. After dinner Ryan was hiding behind a poll getting ready to scare Edward. After edward didn't walk towards the poll ryan just jumped out and scared him quite well. After dinner Eddu was still hungry so ryan drove him to Wendy's while, Jo Ryan and I went to shoppers. Ryan and I got some Lindor chocolate which I must say is wicked. When we got home I started teaching raymond math, while the others watched tv. After I was done teaching raymond we started playing charades. I must say, I love this game. Yesterday I forgot to call nelson, even though he called me on the way home which sucks! Also we didn't have Cheryl or kings, but we did have some new people. This game Edward Raymond and Jon were here so we had pretty even teams. After playing some random words we broke off into teams. Towards the end it was getting pretty late, like nearly 2:00 a.m. So to speed things up we decided you only have 1 minute to act out the word. Our team gave them words like "Pipi Longstocking, Igloo, and Dyke Barber" and they got each of them with only 1 second left. We lost because Jimmy had Charlie Brown. We were closing in but Jimmy stopped acting and gave up! Once again another excellent day of charades and more.
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