A hero

Another day another batch of photo's. I must say every batch of film I develop seems to get better and better. The photos come out much nicer. Equally I still get a bunch of horrific photo's but slowly they will vanish. I took this photo of kevin yesterday at the movie club meeting. I called it a hero because last year Kevin was on fire during a european handball game. It was the greatest thing I have ever seen. He must of made at least 20 saves in she span of a few minutes. After that game everyone rushed him and carried him out of the gym. It was quite the spectacle. As for today I had my philosophy test. I didn't do great, but I think I did the around the same as the last test. Afterwards we went to the Arts assembly. I must say it was incredible. The band performed some beautiful music and the drama department put on two excellent skits. I took a few photos, but not too many. I was sad that I couldn't get a photo of sexy wilson playing clarinet. I did get a really good photo of ryan (he was in the crowd), and also an okay photo of cheryl and jess. The drama skits were quite good. Well done Simon, Valerie, Shawn, and Shelly. Simon and Valerie's skit was quite nice. I'm not quite sure how to explain simon's role, but he was really indecisive and kept pacing about which was really nicely done. Shawn and Shelly's skit was also very good as well. Shawn and shelly were a married couple and shawn walks in to see his wife was cheating on him. Shawn did a great with his character. I also found it very nice how all 4 people managed to move on fine even though sound and light had all sorts of problems. For example their microphones weren't working, their was this really weird bass thing that kept coming in and out (from the microphones is my guess) and at one point some guy in sound and light started talking during the skit and you could hear it from the speakers so it was quite loud. After the drama skits the stage band performed some wicked music. Kevin had a solo which he performed very well. However the guy who was playing guitar was wicked. He looked so cool, like he was fully into it. After the assembly we went to woodside where I learned your not allowed to take photo's at woodside. This was the craziest thing that happened, the security guard comes up to me when I was about to take a photo of KD and says "Your not allowed to take photo's in the mall". I was like okay, because woodside security guards are crazy. Other then that the day was pretty humdrum. I struggled in school reach again but thats old news.
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