Its Pooh Bear

I bought this pillow sometime in grade 9 on a trip to Pmall/market village. It was quite a bad pillow, not very comfortable. So I left it on my shelf for 4 years then decided to pull it back out and take it to school. Many people found it quite nice. You can't go wrong with pooh. During lunch I took this photo of it. Today was quite a fun day. Philosophy we had some pretty interesting discussions on "Does god exist?" I say he does, but I will leave it at that. In algeo we got back the test we wrote before the break. Everyone in the class OWNED that test, including me. I got 4+ 4+ 4 4+. Craziest mark ever. Suth and Edward Yam both got 100% which is also very crazy. Needless to say that test put me in a good mood. During lunch I filled out a matchmaker form. Some of the questions are quite dumb though. Comp sci was pretty bad. Edward and I were presenting this stuff on critical thinking. So we hadn't really prepared much, Edward did quite a bit, but I entered with a very short bit about Objectives. When going through some practice problems the class was quite silent. Hopefully in the presentation we have thursday we will own it up. Spare, Yvonne Ryan Kings and Me played some MJ. Ryan was on fire, he had won 3 games in a row. Yvonne won the first game though. Afterschool I filmed a 20 second scene for my philosophy presentation. It took about 20 minutes to get people together to film the scene though which sucked. Now I must finish my computer science isu for next wednesday, which is going to be very very hard.
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