This picture of Chris was taken quite a long time ago, however it is still a great photo. I haven't blogged for quite some time now, so once again this will be a long post.
Thursday was quite a grand day. Formal had sold 300 tickets with great ease and everyone was in high spirits. Sadly I was owned up in my physics test but I was still glad formal got through. Afterschool people went to my house and we played some games. When everyone made it over we watched incredibles. This movie is still by far the greatest pixar movie. Afterwards we went out for dinner. We finally went to which and I was very happy. It had been so long since my last visit. Sadly Jo ordered some garbage food so I doubt we will ever go there again. Nothing else really happened that day.
Friday was also a very fun day. A lot of people had come over and we just played games and stuff. Saturday people had come over in the attempt to watch this crazy jap movie called casshern, I had hyped this movie up to everyone so there were a lot of people here. What sucked though was my parents started to watch Bride and prejudice in my room so we couldn't watch casshern. By the time my parents movie finished people had gone out to get ice cream so we still couldn't watch it. When they had finally gotten back my brother was getting ready to see it with his friends so we had given up on watching it. After about 2 hours of my bro not watching it the guys started watching it. By this point I was dead tired because I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before. So within the first 10 minutes I was out cold. From what I was told though the movie was wicked. Supposedly amazing special effects. If anyone wants to see it still we can watch it next week.
Today was a very busy day for me. Raymond had slept over so we decided to go dim sum again. In the morning we called up philip and he got us a ride to ruby. This time we actually walked around and got a lot more dishes. We each ordered our own steamed rice roll with shrimp and also some har kau. We also got this rice thingy philip said is good. And it was good! It was still quite pricy, cheaper then when me and ray had gone alone though. We ended up paying 11$ each for quite a large amount of food. I had to pay an extra 7.50 because I had to pay back raymond for the last time we had gone. Mid way through the meal Nelson had met up with us and we sat around for a bit. When we left we went to shoppers. I had gotten some water and hello pandas. HELLO PANDAS! Even though it was slightly more expensive it was worth it.
After shoppers we went to eddu's and were very surprised to see him open the door with a towel around his waist. Mind you he wasn't naked, he just ddn't want us to see his pj's. We were at edwards house for quite some time. We watched him play tactics then say the end of a raptors game. We then played some hockey game which was super unfair. Every question I got was crazy hard. Everyone else got super easy questions. Nelson had gotten 1 hard question then got pissed at everyone and asked them hard questions.
After we left and reached my house Kings was on his way to take us to STC to go look for a boardgame. We searched mind games for quite some time but couldn't decide on anything. In the end we just got ninja turtles. When we got back to my house the guys started playing it, but I had to head out to shawns dinner. So I was at home for about 5 minutes then Felix had picked me up.
Shawns bday dinner was quite fun. Everyone was cracking lots of jokes. He also seemed to really love his gift. The guys got him a magic trick and 60 decks of cards. The food was alright, nothing special. We had gone to kelseys again. After the dinner shawn headed out with amy. Then the other guys were trying to decide something to do. After standing outside in the cold for 10 minutes they eventually decided on something. So felix quickly dropped me and Jo back at my house and was on his way. At my house the guys were still playing ninja turtles. Raymond had spilt cheryls nestea on my carpet which sucks. My carpet is quite wet. Nothing much happened after that. Lots of random talking. Hopefully I will blog more often from now on, so that posts won't ever be this long again
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