Edward sticking out his tongue

Its photos like this that make me love my film camera. If the quality was a little better it would be good, but I love it when there are a bunch of people blurred out and the sole figure is in focus. Edward was sticking out his tongue because I had recently posted the photos of him laughing.
Recently I have been plagued with terrible hearing. I have gotten some crazy wax buildup and now am practically deaf. Its so annoying when your talking to someone and have no idea what they are saying.
Well today was a fun day as always. A few people came over and we played some games. We also ate the cheesecake which was awesome. Willie is great cook. We must trick her into making more cakes. Everybody left quite early so I just sat around and watched some anime. Soon kings said he was going to rent some movies which made me call up ask whoever was online to come. No one I asked could go. Eventually willie came back to my house after filming. When she got her we started asking people again. We got jess jo and cheryl to come.
Now Jess is the star of tonight. She single handedly prepared us some very nice food. She made some chicken rice and eel. The chicken was crazy good and so was the eel. After the food was done we sat in my room and attempted to watch in good company. That quickly died out. Jo then started to watch closer, but it was damn loud in my room so she wasn't very happy. Somewhere in between kd and simon made their way to my house. Kings jess willie left some time during the movie to do stuff. When they returned wilson was with them. Its never a party without wilson. When they got back we played this game 13 dead avenue something. The objective is your trying to kill everyone else and escape at the same time. It was a really fun game. Kevin died super fast. It was funny seeing simon try to sneak his way to the door but we caught on. the game is surprisingly difficult. Since you have to make your way to the door, you have like 3 or 4 other people pushing you back. I died after kevin. Then Simon followed soon after me. No one won the game because we had drawn too many detective cards. The rest of the day was filled with randomness. Another fun filled day.
Side note: I got my grad photos recently. I was surprised to see how much crap those people could remove off my face. I'm a full shade lighter also. It makes me wonder what colour they made suthakar. Anyways I must liquidate these wallets. Anyone want one? Also its ryans birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I would have posted a photo of him but I don't have any good ones. The only good one I have of him has already been posted.
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