Ryan hiding

Ryan doesn't seem to like getting his photo taken. Regardless I took this photo. It came out quite nice. This was taken at a Wendys on....steeles I think. I don't even really know.
Today was a pretty normal day of work. I was in BCE place so I was online for the entire day just chatting away trying not to fall asleep. Amy was teaching me about these photography concepts called rule of thirds. I have already forgotten parts of it I think, but the basic rule is whatever you are taking a photo of, divide that frame in 9 small squares (like a sudoku square). Now the focus of this picture should be on one of the lines, and not in the centre. I am still very skeptical on this rule. I may try to follow it to a certain degree, but I feel more obligated to completely throw the rule out of my mind and only take pictures which contradict it. This gave me the idea of making a new blog perhaps called "Focus on the center", where I post photos where the focus is in the centre of a picture. But I am quite lazy and I doubt I will do that though.
After work I headed over to Hairy Tarantula's and looked at some manga. I am very tempted to buy some Neon Genesis manga. The anime was very intense and also cofusing. I expect the manga to be equally as intense. Only problem is though I have no money so I doubt I will buy it.
When I got home I ate dinner and watched some good old Lost. As always the series is crazy. Its hard waiting weeks at a time for a new episode. After an episode I always wonder how I can survive a full week without lost.
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