Shoes galore

I took this photo while at kingston with cheryl. As always cheryl can't stop looking at shoe stores. On our short walk around downtown kingston she decided to check out this store.
Today was a long long day. It started off with a boring ass inurance class. That was just the biggest waste of time. Thank god I had my PSP. I played some GI Joe and tetris through a good chunk of the class. The instructor is just some weird indian guy who seems to try and make weird jokes and what not. The instructor isn't that bad but the stuff he is talking about is so useless.
As soon as the driving lesson finished I quickly rushed home and started doing some moving around and cleaning of my room with my brother. We moved around some computers and the router. So now I have my iMac, and my new iBook both in my room, along with the router. Its quite a nice setup. I can start streaming music and what not from the imac to the ibook without any problems. I will probably have to start moving over songs eventually though. The laptop is very nice, but its a shame I won't be making much use of its portability for awhile. There aren't many places I go to where I would need my laptop.
After we finished all the moving and what not, my cousins came over and we all started talking about all sorts of stuff. Its always interesting talking about politics and old stories with family. It was a really good conversation. I always leaves these conversations feeling well informed, but there is still a lot I don't really know.
After my cousins left kings and jimmy showed up and played 24 for a bit then we headed to dinner. Dinner was pretty normal. It was hotpot, but for some reason the chicken was black. It looked CRAZY! I had never seen a black chicken before today. It was quite an interesting site. Even though the chicken was black it didn't taste too great.
After dinner a few of us went to STC to watch Dave Chapelle Block party. The movie was great. It was very funny and the music was just excellent. I have quite a bit of music I need to start downloading.
Once we got back to my house it was a normal day at krishna's, talking, playing games, and bashing krishna. It was quite a fun day indeed. Hopefully I won't struggle for my driving lesson tomorrow.
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