Stacking chips

I am pretty sure thats a picture of philip stacking some chips on ryans birthday party. We went to his house after boston pizza and played poker. I didn't play....I think, not too sure. It was a pretty fun day. I remember seeing Ray.
Work was very dull today. Quite hard to stay awake after lunch. My coworkers are always so busy, no idea what they are doing though. After lunch one of my coworkers was watching this guy at the harbour who was obsessed with some piece of ice. He kept throwing stuff at it, and poking it. We had no idea what he wanted to do with it. My guess is there must have been something underneath the block of ice. The craziest thing this guy did was stand on the ice and try to push it away. If he put his full weight on it he would have been toast.
Other then that small event the rest of the day was laid back. I read some battle angel alita and it is quite similar to the anime. The anime was great, the manga is just as good. I am about to start vol 3 which basically takes place where the anime left off. I am very excited to see how things go with this series. Hopefully I can finish it before I have to hand it to adrian.
On a side note I think I fully fixed all the archives now. So it should work regardless of where you are in my blog. Be sure to comment if there are any problems.
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