Paparazzi shot

I often try to replicate photos I see from my brothers photo blog. I took this photo while at destiny. Simon elaine and vanessa showed up sometime after we got there. They sat at the table behind us. I couldn't take a photo of simon because his back was too me, and vanessa kept covering her face. Elaine either didn't care or didn't know.
Once again a long break between posts. This last weekend was very intense. I saw X-men 3 and I really liked it. I have been hearing mixed reviews from other people but I still think the movie was quite good. Some of the dialogue was a tad strange but I managed to overlook that.
Saturday I went and saw xmen 3 again because joanna and cheryl hadn't seen it. It was still good the second time around. After the movie we walked around STC for a bit then headed out to McDonalds for dinner. When we got back to my house my parents were holding a party. So I was often running up stairs and downstairs because I would talk to my cousins then go upstairs and talk to nelson and amy. Saturday was a great night. Sadly I had missed a great game of Settlers with my cousins.
After everyone had left. Amy and I had talked for quite some time that night, I told her various stories from highschool. Telling stories are fun, but I am still quite bad at it. Redford is still the greatest story teller. He can make the most serious of events almost comical.
Sunday was pretty laid back. I had driving in the morning, struggled as always. After driving ryan took me amy nelson jessica to Pmall. I got some chocolate and walked around for a bit. I also got some pretty bad chocolate bubble tea. I think I will just stick with banana.
When we got home amy needed to get some gum so we walked to mini mart, picked up a pack then went home to pack up things. Now I am back in waterloo burning up. It is quite hot. But I have been trained well. My house use to be around 35 or so afew years back. I should be okay this summer. Not sure how simon will handle it though.
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