CN Tower

Update 10:32 A.M: I just handed in my work report. God I hope I do okay.
I took this photo of the CN tower outside my building.
Been quite some time since my last post, been a tad lazy and also didn't have any photos worth uploading. Not much has been happening these last few days. Saturday was quite fun because Vanessa and elaine came by and they were quite drunk. It was very funny seeing them act. My brother came in every so often and talked to them. They were quite drunk, but not drunk enough to do anything too stupid. Towards the end of the night as they were leaving elaine trips and falls down the stairs. It was damn funny. I doubt I will let her live that one down.
Sunday was spent mainly working on my stank work report which I must hand in tomorrow. Only 4 more days and I'm free for 4 months. God I hate working. Its not interesting enough. I would much rather do something where I learn some new skills. Hopefully I don't fail my work report. Only time will tell. Now I must get some well deserved sleep. I have been playing Kingdom Hearts 2 too much.
Expect more up to date photos of the next few days.
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