Flowers for Formal

This was taken at Liberty grand before formal. I am quickly running out of photos to post. I must go out and take more photos. Perhaps I will go buy some black and white film soon.
Once again a bit of a delay between my posts but no matter. Tuesday was nothing important. Wednesday however was perhaps the worst day of work ever. The day started off okay but then at 9:45 I got a call that would crush my chances at getting a decent evaluation for this work term.
The call was from someone in a meeting room saying they couldn't connect. This is quite a common problem. People usually have their firewalls turned on or are plugged into the wrong port. So I walk over to the meeting room and take a look. She is a little edgy because she has a meeting in 15 minutes and had to send documents and everything.
So I take a look at her computer and checked her settings and the different ports and the computer wouldn't connect. For some reason it would alternate between acquiring address and network cable unplugged. Baffled I went back to my coworkers and asked for their input. They were unsure as to what was wrong and told me to try manually selecting the line speed of the connection. I tried this and still didn't have any luck.
After a while she just picks up her laptop and moves it to a different workstation and tries to see if she can connect from there. When I follow her and see which cable she used, she used one that wasn't plugged in. So I ended up just taking this laptop back to my desk and trying it at my desk. By this point she had to postpone the meeting 1/2 hour because she couldn't get online. At my desk she could connect fine so I was still very confused. My coworker told me to ask one of the network people to check if the connection in the room was active or not so I did. He was pretty busy and said he would get to it soon. When I got back she was finishing up and email at my desk.
When she finished I took the computer back to the meeting room and tried every port in the room (6 ports). 1 of them looked like they would work but it just wouldn't acquire an address. After a while she said its too late, I have a meeting to start. So I headed back to my desk. 2 or 3 minutes after this point the network person comes by and says lets go check that laptop. So we walk back to the meeting room and she says "No, your too late, I have a meeting to start" So we said okay and walked back. I sit back at my desk looking at other calls and 5 minutes later my manager comes by and tells us all the VP's and top top people got an email from this women saying "Sorry about the delay in the meeting. The people at IT REFUSED to check the connection in that room. When I heard that I was like SOB! I am certain my manager doesn't like me much as it is and I was certain this couldn't make things better. My coworkers asked me what I did and I told them. After hearing about this email I was informed that someone else had a problem in that meeting room because all the IP's for for that room had been used up. It turns out the reason she couldn't connect was because all the IP's had been used up. I would have never guessed that all the ip's were taken. Anyways it turns out this women has caused the helpdesk much grief in the past so hopefully it won't be too bad. I wouldn't care about this event too much but if I have to come back for a second term. If my manager doesn't like me now, he probably won't like me 5 months from now.
Today went by pretty smoothly. No major problems which is always good. Hopefully the weekend will be able to raise my spirits after this terrible incident. Not sure what is planned yet. I imagine video games and perhaps a crappy movie. Thats what I foresee.
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