
I took this photo of edward while he was in my room talking to kings and philip. This was during the time everyone was downstairs playing poker which edward hates, and also while people were in the basement drinking which edward hates even more. That was a great night
It has been quite some time since my last post. This large delay is mainly due to the fact that I don't have any photos I really want to post online. I am currently too lazy to make a post about everything that has been going on since my last post so this will be a quick overview of the weekend.
Friday ryan adrian daniel edward jimmy and I headed to all star wings for dinner. After our last trip we felt that we were ready for level 4 and level 5 wings. It was quite a shock. Jimmy ordered 25 wings called "God of thunder." As soon as those wings came onto our table we would breathe in and feel burning. Those wings just smelt like they were on fire. Edward ordered Jamaican jerk chicken wings assuming that it would taste like jerk chicken. He was greatly mistaken. The wings he ordered were sour and very very nasty. Edward is a trooper though and scared down a good chunk of them. Adrian's chicken wings were quite nice. Not spicy and normal tasting. Dano's was a tad spicy and I found it didn't have much flavor. The greatest part of dinner was when jimmy gave edward a god of thunder wing and put it on his plate. We all continued talking and didn't really pay much attention to him eat it. After a little while someone said the never actually saw him eat it. Edward being a fool does his funny "What!? lets change the subject" type of talk and we knew he never actually ate it. After watching him for about 5 minutes we realized he had picked up the wing and put it in a different basket. We were all laughing for quite some time.
Saturday my brother finally got back from his long ass trip to sydney and japan. It was funny seeing him again, it was like he hadn't really been gone all that long. When we got back home we sat around and talked for a bit then I started calling people over. We ended up going to this pho that everyone seemed to dislike but its not that big a deal. When we got back some people played a bit of poker for fun. Others sat around and talked. The rest of the day is a big haze right now.
Sunday was pretty quiet. Vanessa wanted to check out cellphones so me her and simon went to pmall and walked around for a bit. She saw a few phones she liked but didn't really bother picking one up. I got a box of hello pandas and then we went to get some sushi for dinner. We went to this place at midland and finch and it was pretty good. Me and simon split a pound of shashimi for 15$ which was quite nice. I hadn't had sushi in a long time. After dinner I went home to find shawn talking to my brother. We all talked about randomness for a little while then shawn headed home and I went to sleep.
Today was a pretty dull day. I took my camera to work but didn't get around to taking any photos. I need to buy some better film. When I got home I was having a bit of a headache, but I still had to cook so I started warming up some water and then went to the other room. When I got back it turns out I had accidently switched on the wrong element so I quickly turned that off and then picked up the handle of the pot to move it. My next mistake was not noticing that the handle was right on top of the heated element. Needless to say I got nice burn on my hand. My hand is okay now and the headache seems to have subsided so hopefully I will be able to get some decent sleep now.
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