Oh No!!!

I got this Mickey from Cheryl for christmas. It is by far the greatest plush I have ever had. A lot of people (including me) love his large hands. It makes it quite cute. I took this photo a few days back. Luckily it came out fairly nice.
Last week was a week from hell. I tend to leave my work too last minute, so I was quite busy. This week is a little better, still lots of work but nothing as intense as last week.
Joanna had come up to waterloo so it wasn't that boring of a bus ride up. Once we got in we ate some food and I got to work...I think. For the most part the week was spent working late into the night, then talking to jo to even later into the night.
Jo is quite a bum so she pretty much lazed around for 5 days. She did look at a few places to live, and did take care of some school stuff, but she was still quite a lazy bum.
Fast forwarding to friday. Once I got back into toronto I sat around for a little bit then Justin and Jon came by and we both headed to justins house. Justin lived at Woodbine and dansforth I think so it was quite a long ride. His house was quite nice, I really like the fact that it was an old style like house. I was playing on Sean's Nintendo DS for a little bit. Justin had a game called brain age which was damn crazy. Me Kevin philip and nelson couldn't get enough. However when the guys started playing poker I joined in. Mainly because there were a lot of people playing the DS.
Poker was okay as always. Daniel was struggling a fair bit at the beginning. Luckily I quickly took him out of his misery. After that I was doing pretty good for the last chunk of the game. Afterwards I took out Adrian then I think Jimmy took out kevin. In the end I made $10 which would later go to pay for developing some film.
After poker we played some Halo. Sean is a tank at halo. At one point it was like 5 on 1 and he still throughly trashed us. The score was around 50-20 or something. After a few games like that some people slept over at justins while the others headed home. I had a doctors appointment so me philip and kings went home.
Saturday was a pretty relaxing day. After my doctors appointment I went home and sat around for a bit. Then my brother drove me to shoppers to pick up my film and medicine. Once I finished my business I went to go visit cheryl.
Cheryl had recently gotten two pretty cute guinea pigs. I am not that big a fan of pets. Currently the greatest pet I have seen is probably Sean's dog. It didn't bark at me, and looked cool. Anyways these guinea pigs didn't do much when in the cage but were a little crazy when they were taken out. I called cheryl crazy a few times for getting these guinea pigs and then we got some mcdonalds. After eating our mcdonalds we went back to cheryls, talked for a little while longer then I had to head home.
Once I got home I mowed the lawn and did some slight gardening. Soil is damn disgusting. After I finished the gardening I took a shower and awaited the arrival of my cousins so that we could play settlers.
I will not say much about settlers because it was quite shocking we were throughly trashed by my cousin. Needless to say it was a big upset to us all.
After settlers I helped raymond film some scenes for a project then called it a night.
Today I woke up early to make sure I was ready to get a DS lite. Once we got to best buy I went straight to a man in blue and asked for a DS lite. I luckily managed to get one. Later on I would find out that bestbuy only had 4 so I was quite lucky. Anyways I bought tetris and Mario, both of which are stellar games. Shawn and simon seem to really enjoy mario. I personally thing tetris will be quite crazy when I have time to play a bit more of it.
Well now I must get back to some intense calc review. God I hate rotational volumes.
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