Proud Firemen

Another photo from the gay pride parade. The pride parade was quite a fun event. Its always nice seeing a lot of people out supporting an event.
2 days. 2 days and I will be free from waterloo. I have started my calc review and seems to be going by okay. I just need more practice with Taylor series and Taylor polynomials and I should be okay.
Yesterday was a pretty fun day. Amy Ian and Andrew came by and we all went to MKV to play some various games. First was foosball. It was Amy and I against Andrew and Ian. We were totally demolished. Amy couldn't finish and I was terrible at D. After a terrible game of jitz we moved onto Ping Pong. Ping pong was a little better. Amy was still struggling a little in that also though, so we ended up losing again. Mind you I wasn't much better either. We played ping pong for a while until we noticed the pool table was free. Pool was a lot better. Amy and I were on par with Andrew and Ian. We didn't win any games I think but we came really close. I am not too familiar with the rules of Pool, but supposedly Amy and I had won two games because the twins had scratched when going for the black ball (they missed it). For some reason I didn't think that would constitute a win, so we usually just kept playing till someone sunk the 8-ball, and it was usually the twins who sunk it. Anyways after a lot of pool we all went to Kelseys for dinner
Dinner was pretty good. The appetizers were awesome. We had chicken wings, calamari and bruschetta. I didn't really eat and bruschetta, but the calamari was damn good. If I ever go to Kelseys I will be sure to simply order calamari. The mains at Kelseys are not worth it. Once dinner was over we came back, sat around and talked for a bit then they left for home.
Today was a pretty quiet day. Most of it was spent at home playing games, watching anime and studying. Tomorrow will probably involve rigorous amounts of cramming for calc. Now I must get back to calc. I still have yet to touch up on the one thing that truly worries me....rotational volumes. But I still love calc though, it is a great course. Only course that comes close to it is classical algebra. And for anyone interested here is a link to a cool sounding number, beast number.
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