A sea of people

There were a lot of people at the Pride Parade. We had walked down quite a long way before finding this opening. It was really good to see so many people out there supporting this event.
Well I still really haven't done much with this blog. I have changed a few things. Hopefully I can figure out a better way to display the archives, I really don't like the numeric format, I preferred the months. Also I will hopefully add a bit more crap to the left and right hand side so that there won't be a lot of white space. Once the work term starts I will most likely start on a new site. Hopefully this term I can actually sit down and learn something instead of just wasting away for 4 months.
Exams are going by okay. CS is on saturday which I hope won't be that hard. My assignment average is pretty pathetic so hopefully I can make it up on the exam. I thought algeo would be the only exam to worry about but for some reason I feel CS will be intense. The assignments were all very crazy which makes me scared
Aside from worrying about exams I also need to find a place to live. I will probably look at a few places before leaving next week. However that probably won't give me a good selection of places so I will most likely find myself coming back up to waterloo during the fall term to look for housing.
I can't wait to finish these exams. It will be nice to enjoy the last bit of summer with friends. Coming down every weekend isn't sufficient. Also the food here is starting to get pretty lame. I find myself walking 15-20 minutes to a quiznos for a sub. And also the best part about going home will be AC. No more sweating while sitting down in my room. Well back to studying for me
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