I only see 3 people in this photo

I took this photo while at the pride parade. The photo is great because you can easily see Andrew Justin Ian but if you look along the bottom you can see the top portion of amy's head.
Last week was a pretty normal week of school. The weekend was quite interesting though
Friday I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 which was quite a good movie. I was confused from time to time throughout the movie because I couldn't really understand exactly what they were saying. Aside from that though the movie was still very good.
After the movie people came over and we played some DS lite and talked for awhile. The next day was spent helping kings downtown handing out flyers for his new site/company thingy called cr8tive. The art exhibition was pretty interesting. I am quite bad at talking to people so I was doing a pretty lame job handing out flyers, but I still managed to hand out quite a few. It was really cool to see all the interesting things people make. I found a lot of the glass art to be incredible.
After handing out a bunch of flyers I went back up to Scarborough to go to my aunts dinner. It was nice seeing everyone again, also the food was great. It was also really fun talking to my uncle. Overall a very great dinner.
After the dinner people came by my house and we played Big Brain Academy and talked well into the night. It was very fun. 5 hours later I would wake up and find myself in Waterloo. Now I must start working on various assignments and projects
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