
Kevin always seems to hide whenever I take a photo of him. I think a lot of people are doing that now. It simply gives me more reason to take a photo of that person. I took this photo after we left Sean's party to get some tim hortons.
This last week hasn't been anything too exciting. I had a calc midterm on monday which I think I did okay on. Still not too sure though actually. I got back my algeo midterm from last week. I got 77 which is okay I guess but still not that great. I could do the problems pretty much but I just didn't understand the theory enough to explain it.
The DS lite is wicked. Mario and Tetris are both great games. I find the normal tetris mode to be a tad easy because of the fact that you can infinitely spin a piece and it won't lock down. This can lead to some very long games. Currently my record is very shocking in my opinion. Its probably crap in comparison to stuff I will see online this weekend, but for me it was a big achievement. Mario is really fun also, I suck at mario though so I am taking my sweet time playing it.
I have recently been reading lots of Hajime no Ippo manga. Manga is wicked. I can't wait till I get better at jap so that I can read raw mangas. Or even watch anime without subtitles. That will most likely take a few more courses. Reminds me of a great scene from golden boy when Kentaro is on his bike racing a women and starts yelling out "STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY!". Now Golden boy was a great anime, probably one of the funniest series i have seen. Shame it was so short.
Now I must get some good sleep and learn some intense calc and algeo.
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