Walking out of the water

I took this photo at the beach. This was right before we left. Cheryl convinced ian andrew and justin to run into the water with her. It was quite stupid, also justin tripped while running in.
Nothing much has been happening at work these last few days. Pretty much the same stuff I did last year except less. I don't have administrative passwords to the computers so when I need to set up a new computer I have to keep calling over my coworker to type in the password. I don't have access to the helpdesk emails so I can only help people who phone in. Work is pretty much just as boring as it was last year. Mind you its nice working with my coworkers. They are all quite funny so its not a big deal, but it would be nice to have some challenges. Most of the problems I deal with aren't that hard. Some of the more complicated ones involve using software I have never used or access to certain components I don't have access too.
Hopefully tomorrow will be more interesting.
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