A hungry black man

I took this photo of justin when we had gone to pho once. I doubt Justin was actually hungry, but I wanted a a funny title
A lot has happened since my last post on tuesday. I shall start with Wednesday nothing had happened, it was pretty much laid back studying for Calculus on thursday. Calc was a pretty okay exam. I have yet to get my mark back for it but I think I did okay. It was the greatest moment leaving that exam. I was soooooo happy. I love waterloo and I love lectures, but I hate writing exams. Too much pressure and too much studying.
After the exam Simon and his friend kyle came to our suite after their physics exam. They talked about their exam for a bit and Kyle (Simon's friend) and I played a game of chess. Kyle is a pro chess player. He was Hamilton regional champion and I believe he destroys everyone in the waterloo chess club. So Simon had mentioned to me that he could be me blind folded. I did not believe simon so I told simon to send out a challenge. After their physics exam Kyle and I had our chess game. Kyle covered his eyes with one of my clean t-shirts and totally rocked me in chess. He would start correcting me on my moves and informing me of possible places I could go. Even though it was a horrible loss it was a great game, a game I shall never forget.
After the chess game Simon and I got some food at Mels then walked to V1 to return an ethernet cable. It was a damn long walk. V1 is too fucking far, stupid ass resnet!.
When we got back we did some hardcore cleaning then pretty much watched anime till simons dad came and picked us up. Once we got back to scarborough we called a few people up and went out to Lemon grass for dinner.
Lemon grass was quite nice as always. It was also nice seeing various people again. After a nice meal we walked next door to Destiny and sat and drank some good bubble tea. Jessica told me to try Green Apple, and it wasn't that bad. I still think banana is the better though. After Destiny we went outside and talked a bit outside for a while then everyone went home. It was a great day indeed.
Friday I had gone to yorkdale and wonderland with cheryl. We first stopped off at yorkdale so Cheryl could buy a yellow sweater. There isn't much to say about wonderland, we went on a few rides then went back to yorkdale so cheryl could do more shopping.
This women did some intense shopping. I was almost passing out towards the end of the day, but I managed to stay somewhat strong. After a long bus ride home I met up with the guys and we got together at my house and talked. I can't remember what else we did, but I'm certain we did something.
Saturday started off as a day of board games. My cousins came over and we played a game of settlers. Afterwards I went to Pacific mall and bought some hello panda's and did some simple wandering around with some of the guys. After walking around pmall we all decided to check out the "I Maid Cafe". That cafe was awesome. It was hilarious. Jessica looked like she was sick just sitting there but it was quite fun. Before we entered we see a women wearing a maid costume smoking. Probably one of the greatest sights I have ever seen. It was a damn shame I didn't have my camera.
The cafe was also pretty nice. It is much better then the crappy pho place that was there before it. Not sure if this cafe will last though. It did have some other customers and I doubt there are other maid cafes in toronto.
After we finished relaxing at the cafe everyone went home for dinner then came back later to play poker. I sat around and watched on people play or I played some good old xbox. It was a very fun filled day indeed.
Finally caught up to today. Today was a pretty quiet day as well. It started off with me cheryl and justin going to Ash bridge beach. It was a very nice beach. We quickly met up with amy and the twins and basically sat around and talked for a little bit. We played with the sand a lot and also took a bunch of photos. I can't wait to get them developed tomorrow.
After the beach I met the guys again and we went to Tim hortons and talked for a bit. We bumped into some grade 12's while we were sitting around and talking. It was quite strange because they were all dressed up. At first I thought they were coming from formal but then I realized formal was like 2 months ago. I later learned they were coming from some sort of party.
After Timmy's we went back to my house to watch a movie except the movie didn't work. Instead we talked till around 1:15 and then everyone went home.
Long posts are too hard to write. I am certain this post is littered with grammar errors. I really need to get into a blog posting mood. I miss those days when I would do daily posts. I wonder if by making a new blog and starting fresh I would have more incentive. Only time shall tell.
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