
I took this photo saturday after returning from kbbq. My brother had a few of his friends over so he decided to show them the suicide and steroids video. While they were watching it I took this photo, they were all very impressed. On a side note its funny seeing how many people are interested in my brother. I always see jimmy joanna and raymond arguing about him. It is quite funny and at the same time very strange. Today was quite the bad start. Philosophy we watched a movie so it was very boring. In algeo I got another test back, this ruined my day. I got 3, 3-, 3-, 1. My mark is so owned. Damn I hate algeo. During lunch I went to the cafe and sat around with edward andrew nelson vanessa jimmy kings. Andrew threw this plastic part of his bag at me and I didn't notice for a good 5 minutes. I knew something was on me but I didn't know where. So everyone got a good laugh, it turned out it was on the arms of my glasses. After a while we started blowing this plastic thingy into the air and it turned into a crazy game. All we did for a good 30 minutes was just kept blowing this thing back and fourth across the table. It was very very fun. It was Andrew, Edward and Vee against Me nelson kings jimmy. After a while andrew left but we continued playing. It was funny because some people were spitting. At one point jimmy was like "AHHH I FELT SOMETHING". It was also funny to see this plastic thing hit people in the face. By far this is the craziest game ever. Comp sci was a bore as always. When we have to come up with examples for these critical thinking stuff the other team always makes the stupidest examples and most retarded logic to back it up. Pisses me off sometimes. In the end though andrew and derrick had a very crazy performance. In spare we played some mj, chicken style. Once again I never won. In formal we decided on the cost of grams and stuff. After the meeting was over and I was on my way home kelly picked me up and dropped me off at home. Overall quite a good day.
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